DENTAL EMERGENCY? telephone call 833-925-8326
Post Operative instructions for Your Oral Surgery and Immediate Denture Placement

We understand that you may have questions about your recent tooth extractions and immediate denture placement. Here are some answers to common concerns to help you through the recovery process.

Thank you for choosing our team to guide you through your Wellness³² (a.k.a Oral Health) Journey!


How should I care for my mouth immediately after the procedure?

After the procedure, avoid drinking throgh a staw or smoking for at least 24 hours. Avoid any strenuous activities and heavy lifting for the rest of the day. Additionally, try to maintain gentle biting pressure on the denture for the first 24 hours.

When can I start rinsing my mouth, and how should I do it?

You can start rinsing with a saltwater solution (1/2 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water) 24 hours after surgery. Rinse gently after every meal and before bedtime.

What should I do for pain management?

If you were prescribed pain medication by our team, please take as directed. If you were not prescribed medication, over-the-counter pain relievers such as motrin and tylenol can be used if necessary. But avoid aspirin, as it can increase bleeding.

How can I reduce swelling?

Apply an ice pack to the outside of your cheek for 20 minutes on, then 20 minutes off for the first 24 hours. This will help reduce swelling.

What should I do if bleeding occurs?

Some oozing of blood is normal for the first 24-48 hours. If bleeding persists, bite down on a clean gauze pad or a damp tea bag for 20-30 minutes. If it continues, contact us by calling 833-925-8326 or you can book your emergency dental visit by clicking here.

What are the warning signs I should watch out for?

If you experience severe bleeding, excessive swelling, pain, fever, discomfort or sore spots with the denture that don’t improve, or signs of infection (such as pus, a foul taste, or increasing pain), please call 833-925-8326 so our clinical team can see you asap.

How do I care for my denture?

Remove the denture gently and rinse it with warm water after meals. Clean your mouth and denture using a soft toothbrush or gauze, being careful around the surgical site. Do not use toothpaste for the first few days.

Can I use a denture adhesive?

Use a denture adhesive only AFTER your gums have healed and per the instructions of your dentist.

What should I eat during my recovery?

Stick to a soft diet for the first week to avoid putting excessive pressure on the surgical site. Opt for foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, soup, and well-cooked pasta. Avoid hard, crunchy, and spicy foods.

How often should I drink water?

Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water, but avoid using straws as suction can dislodge the denture.

When are my follow-up appointments, and why are they important?

You should have been scheduled for a post op and denture reline appointment within 12-14 days of your surgery. It is normal for your denture to become loose as your bone/gum tissue heals after surgery.

If you do not have a followup appointment scheduled 12-14 days after your immediate denture placement, please call 833-925-8326 so we can book this essential visit ASAP.

Please expect to come in for multiple denture adjustments and alignments over the next several months as your gum/bone tissues continue to heal and change shape. Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments. During these appointments, we will assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your denture.

Is my immediate denture permanent?

No, your immediate denture is a temporary solution. It is designed to aid in the healing process and maintain aesthetics while your gums heal. If you have not yet decided on the permanent solution that will replace your immediate temporary denture, please call 833-925-8326 so our treatment coordinator team can guide you through the options that are available to you.

When can I Replace My Immediate Denture with a Permanent Solution?

The timing for replacing your immediate denture with a permanent solution depends on your individual healing process and the type of tooth replacement solution you are getting. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Healing Period: You should wear your immediate denture during the initial healing phase, which typically lasts several weeks to a few months. During this time, your gums will reshape and settle into their final form.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Attend all follow-up appointment. Our clinical team will assess your healing progress and determine when it’s appropriate to transition to a permanent solution.
  • Gum Healing: The timing of replacing your immediate denture with a permanent one depends on how well your gums have healed. We will consider factors such as the absence of infection, the stability of your oral tissues, and the absence of sore spots or discomfort.
  • Bone Healing: If your tooth extraction involved bone grafting or other procedures to improve bone density, we will also monitor the healing of the underlying bone. This may affect the timing of your permanent denture placement.

Individual Needs:

We will take into account your specific dental needs, oral health, and the type of permanent denture you plan to receive (e.g., conventional removable dentures, implant-supported overdenture, or fixed denture ).
Our Clinical Team is here for you: Please call us at 833-925-8326, so we can book you with our Temporary Adjustments. In most cases, your immediate denture will require adjustments or relining to ensure a better fit and comfort during the healing process. These adjustments can help you transition more smoothly to a permanent denture.

Your oral health and overall well-being are our top priorities, and we will work with you to achieve the best results while keeping your budget in mind. Remember, it’s crucial to follow our recommendations and be patient during this important transition in your life. Replacing your immediate denture with a permanent solution too early can lead to discomfort, poor fit, and potential complications. In addition, attempting to use your immediate temporary denture as a permanent solution will ultimately exacerbate your discomfort and frustration while living your life without an effective and permanent tooth replacement solution. Please Trust in our expertise to determine the optimal time for the transition.

Remember, everyone’s healing process is unique. Be patient with yourself, and if you ever feel uncertain or need personalized guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Wellness³² Clinical Teams. We’re here to support you throughout your recovery journey.

Why Doesn't Food Taste the Same with Immediate Dentures?

The sensation of taste and the way you experience flavors can be different when wearing immediate dentures for several reasons:

  • Change in Sensation: Immediate dentures cover the roof of your mouth and the gum tissue where your natural teeth used to be. This can reduce your ability to feel and taste certain textures and temperatures in your mouth, affecting your overall sensory experience.
  • Loss of Natural Tooth Structure: When teeth are extracted to make way for dentures, you lose the natural teeth that play a significant role in chewing and processing food. Your natural teeth have specialized structures like enamel and nerve endings that contribute to the sensation of taste and texture when eating.
  • Alteration of Mouth Structure: Dentures can alter the shape of your mouth and how your tongue interacts with food. This change in oral anatomy can influence the way you perceive taste and texture.
  • Denture Materials: The materials used to make dentures, such as acrylic resin, may have their own taste and odor that can affect the way you perceive the flavors of food. These materials can also absorb flavors from food, which can lead to lingering tastes.
  • Reduced Sensory Feedback: With natural teeth, you receive sensory feedback from the nerves in your teeth and gums, which helps you gauge the texture and temperature of food. Dentures do not provide the same level of sensory feedback, which can make it challenging to differentiate between textures and temperatures.
  • Adaptation Period: It takes time for your mouth and brain to adjust to the presence of dentures. During this adaptation period, your perception of taste and texture may change as you become accustomed to the new oral environment.
  • Denture Fit and Stability: If your immediate dentures are not properly fitted or if they become loose during eating, it can affect your ability to chew food effectively and influence your taste experience.

It’s important to note that once you heal, your immediate dentures can be replaced by a fixed denture solution, that will function more like your natural teeth, in terms of chewing and tasting food.

If you have any concerns or questions about your dental care, don’t hesitate to reach out to us 833-925-8326!